- In early childhood, the only present Mirjana would receive with all her heart was a sketching block and a bunch of brushes which she collected and with which she converted her imagination and creativity into numerous drawings. She keeps them in the covers of her painting holders as most precious memories.
- Today, when she has already made some huge steps as a professional artist, Mirjana often goes back to her gentle childhood dreams and converts them into her vivid colored paintings.
- Her decision to be a professional artist was obvious when she entered Visual andAppliedArtCollegeinBelgrade(1993-1995). Although she has dedicated herself to pedagogical work as a permanently employed art teacher in a primary school inBelgrade, she directed her love and aspiration to artistic work towards further affirmation by entering the Faculty of Applied Art inBelgrade(mural painting department) in 2003.
- -1995 (25-29 November): she took part in annual group exhibition “Pivo Karamatijevic” in the town ofUzice.
- -2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007: she had annual exhibitions during her studies at the Faculty of Applied Art inBelgrade.
- -July 2007: she graduated from the Faculty of Applied Art inBelgrade (mural painting department). Her final exhibition took place in Turkish bathroom premises.
- -2007 (15-25 August): her one-man show “Life and customs of the Indians” in the District art gallery of theMuseum ofApplied Art inBelgrade – inspired by her visit to Indian refuge inCanada.
- -October 17 2007: group exhibition in the town ofTemerin on the occasion of taking part in humanitarian art colony “Jegricka 2007”
- -November 2007: with the status of ULUPUDS (Serbian Association of Applied Arts and Designers candidate)
- -March 11 2008: group exhibition “Mali format” (Small form, in English) in 14 towns inSerbia, starting with its opening in theNationalMuseum in Uzice, Priboj, and Prijepolje…..Novi Sad to the closing exhibition in Singidunum in October 2008.
- -March 29 2008: International exhibition of women painters in the cultural centre in the town ofBor (international competition)
- -April 8 2008: “Tradition in modern art” exhibition in theEthnographicMuseum inBelgrade.
- -2012: Solo exhibition in Calgary in Canada, named ” Our lives in space and time” PDF catalog
- -2015. (July 27th – August 2nd) EXHIBITION MIRJANA FUSTIC, Gallery “Cigota”, Zlatibor www.zlaibor.org.rs, zlatibor.tv
- -2016. Art Salon KC Zrenjanin “30×30″, theme “Refugee faces” – Zrenjanin, continuing afterwards in ArtCenter Belgrade gallery in Pancevo and “Lazar Bozarevic” in Sremska Mitrovica.
- -2017. (March 6th) collective exhibition “Ladies choose” in ArtCenter in Belgrade.
- -2017. Collective exhibition “Possible-Impossible” in ArtCenter in Belgrade.
- -2017. Collective exhibition MajskiArtSalon | architecture, fine arts, applied arts, design: May 16th in ArtCenter in Belgrade, and then on June 16th in Castle EDSEG KC in Novi sad.
- -2017. (June 1st) Solo exhibition in the ArtCenter in Belgrade.
- -2017. (June 19th) Collective exhibition Serbian Miniature in Belgrade and Novi Sad.
- -2017. (February 9th and 10th) International collective exhibition – Miniature. MAJDANART 2017
- -2017. (September) International exhibition EROTICA IN ART 2017: Belgrade and Novi Sad
- -2017. (November) International exhibition “LaLinea 978″: Belgrade and Novi Sad
- -2017. (December 20th) Annual collective exhibition – Drawing – 2017 – Belgrade
- -2017. (December) Solo exhibition in gallery “Branko Miljkovic” in Belgrade
- -2018. (April 30th) Annual collective exhibition in Belgrade
- -2018. (July 7th) – Annual collective exhibition in Belgrade
- -2018. (October 20th) EROTICA IN ART in Belgrade ArtCenter
- -2017-18. International travelling exhiition – Art Kvadrat Novi Sad, Arilje, Becej, Golubac, Zrenjanin, Nova Varos, Priboj, Srbobran, Subotica, Cajetina, Cigota, Belgrade
- -2019. (February) “Possible-Impossible”, collective exhibition in ArtCenter Belgrade
- -2019. (March) – “Ladies Choose”
- -2019. (April) Belgrade exhibition2019. (April) Castle Edzseg – Art in Serbia
- -2019. Certificate for participating in the 11th exhibition anniversary of ArtCenter in Belgrade
- -2019. (June) Belgrade Miniature – ArtCenter
- -2019. (August) “Association” – Annual exhibition regarding 11th ArtCenter’s anniversary in Novi Sad
- -2019. (August through September) – “ART TODAY” – National Bank
- -2019. (September) – International Miniature exhibition, Bor-Majdanpek
- -2019. (October) – EROTICA IN ART – ArtCenter in Belgrade
- -2019. (November) – ART KVADRAT SERBIA – International travelling exhibition
- -2020. (February) – Exhibition “Possible-Impossible”
- -2021. (October) – Solo exhbition in KC Zlatibor www.zlatibor.org.rs, www.zlatiborskevesti.rs, www.cajetina.org.rs, Zlatiborpress Youtube
- -2022. (February) – Solo exhibition DOM RVI in Belgrade
- Name of the painting Format Technique Price
- 1. The Mask of an Indian Woman 80×40 oil on canvas 200€
- 2. The Mask of an Indian Man 80×40 oil on canvas 200€
- 3. A Childs View of Indians’ Life 80×60 oil on canvas 400€
- 4. On Butterfly’s Wings 80×60 oil on canvas 400€
- 5. One Winged Attempt 80×60 oil on canvas 300€
- 6. Indian Dances 70×60 oil on canvas 400€
- 7. The History of the Indians’ Life 70×60 oil on canvas 400€
- 8. Indians Masks and Rituals 100×80 oil on canvas 500€
- 9. Traditional Indian Dances 100×70 oil on canvas 600€
- 10. A View of the Past 97×107 oil on paper 300€
- 11. Fishing 60×40 oil on canvas 200€
- 12. A View of the Future 140×110 oil on paper 300€
- 13. Tradition in Modern Art 80×60 oil on canvas
- Mirjana Fustic
- Belgrade, 88/43 Mokroluska Street
- Tel: 00381 11 3973 465 Mobtel: 063 8308 316